Sunday, October 13, 2024



In existence there is I, yet it is ethereal, 

In emptiness there is I, yet veiled by the mist,

Contact has con, act and tact and search for I. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Amorphous Love

I had a concept of love
it failed

I had a picture of you
it failed

I had you

Friday, July 12, 2013

Gossamer's Dream

Blanketed in epidermis of natural gift
Lie, the stark hollow me

Deeper, I profound the search
Silence, greets me.

Barren, without contents
Stood a glass door
Rear to it was the different me.

Seraphic, pristine shine
I could see
My shadow, it seemed

The child’s itch I feel
To unite with it

The camouflage of sensitivity
Awakens me

The reverie of it
I carry with me,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Atrophic Rose

No feelings hidden from you
Yet, you chose not to respond

No tears shown to you
Yet, you chose to respond

Deep within chaos
You rose, a bud
When it wishes to be yours
You allow, withering

The petals that enclaves each other
Brought the perfect symmetry
To it, to be, to yours
You allowed it to hither
Amid the wanderers, further and farther
Aside the meandering wind’s cart

It lays all scattered amidst the concrete path
Treaded, ruptured, bereft of life
Befallen before you bit by bit,
Fragrant to the cosmos, not you

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Resurrect Life

There was a moment of silence……..before the door closed
There was a moment of darkness….. before the sun rose
There was a moment of peace……after you left the home
The emptiness fills it…. vacuum created… expanded and collapsed I

The bean bag materializes support
It structure, outlines me
In this womb I remain….. to resurrect life

Let's Dance

If I could write a song to you
Of the differences that complete us
The song that has melodies of us
Words woven of love

If I could sing the song to you
Of how differences complete us
The moment, we not together
Our absence, leaps the heart beat

If I could rhyme that song for you
Where the lyrics, was the stage set
The union of the soul and clashes of the mind, met
The flickering light of us…kindled there.

If I could attuned that song to you
Where every symphony matched
The chord conscientious, present there

If I could ensemble the harmony
Of our orchestra differences to complete us
The genre of our dynamics
To the opera of our whole-step

Our dance would begin then.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Have you been a stranger to yourself where every moment you are changing?

The realization of it is so deadly. There is joy and sorrow in it. Confidence and failure in it.Darkness and light it in and you just an observer below the gliding horizon of your life.Where the color of your sky matches your heart where color of your skin shines in light.Your heart pours out love to strangers and closes the doors to known faces as they stand there forever, hurling, hurting, screaming and yelling at you for the life you wasted trying to seek the inner you, the darker you, the innocent you and the strange you.

Among all this chaos who stands by you… your enemies or your friends your families or your staff…..
None gets to know this as their skies also changes and merges with you…… sometimes with a thump, sometimes with a storm and sometimes it sails with you as one sky… a roof underneath your  chest… a sky above your head.. and wings in place of your feet... and life just grins with a sigh ah! That destiny was just too bright! Would you ever be mine…… would our skies ever fall apart…….. would you still be my roof ………or will I meet my own horizon from where dusk meets the dawn and night the day…..
A lonesome soul with no fear with no trigger just a lump throat and sacred heart of Jesus love……..

Dawn and Darkness meet
When the sun sets on the horizon
You and I meet
When the dawn surpasses the thrust