Saturday, March 13, 2010

Love and Me

In love
You and me
I and you
Both are we

I love you and
Ignore me

You love me and
I ignore thee

You ask me
To see
With your eyes
And I see thee,
Not me

Love flowed from
You to me
And me to you
Never from
Me to me

You vanished
Nonetheless love flows
From me to you
None for me

Friday, March 5, 2010


A walk by the point
Refreshes the mind

Children playing by
Screaming and cycling by

Dog pooing in side
Owners looking other side

Runners running by
Walkers walking by

People training hard
Some losing weight
Some thinking I am insane
Some being the superstar of the night
Some being the sports star of light

Lovers embraced in arms
Watching the sun meet the horizon

Group of friends laughing in style
Clicking the memories
That will last for a life

Couples of all ages that walk by

Oldest walking slowly
Beside each other
Still saying
Don’t worry I am with you my dear
Hold my breath I sigh, “where’s is mine?”

Middle age couple
Walking at different pace
How much I got to sacrifice
Man wished married I never was
Women hope my children are in class

Young couple with a kid in hand
Dreams together of the future of the child
Lest unknown to the fact
What life will spool for their child

Newly wed
Lost in their world
All is beauty if you see through their eyes
Loved embraced like it will eternal
As people stare pass commenting in sign
Some loud, some groans, nothing bothers them
Happy they are in each others arms

Couples stuck in between of all the golden period
Are walking fast discussing the issues of life
One tells the other to calm
Issues will be sorted when we are home
Speed doubles when I near them
Domestic issue I don’t want to look by

All walk encompassing the beauty of life
Not realizing what they have picked up and pass

Aunties my dear aunties
Are so loud when they gossip by
Discussing the previous night party
And annoyed by the other lady last night
Slowed my pace I do sometime enjoy it by

Uncles who say we are on walk
Are still on mobile screaming out loud
How the hell you didn’t get that price
Wait till I complete my walk
Trrrrrringggggggg the mobile rings again
Answering they are all the while
Walked not even 100 meters mark
Hovering below the tree
How long I didn’t wait to watch

Of course are tourists
Who clicks everything
As if they are in a wonderland
Beauty of the nature
Colors of the sky
Smiles of the people
And Indian style

Not to forget our Romeos dear
Who linger and whistle and trouble the couple
Wait and watch the beauty that pass by
Wishing if I had her all in my arms

Are office goers who saunter
Trying to end the wretchedness of the day
And people like me who watches all the way

Few people I see have come to enjoy the beauty of walk
Rarely do I see people who like the sun draw out it rays
Countable people who have enjoyed their day

I walk back taking all the feelings I say
Enjoying the beauty of nature that my eyes can take
The breeze that strokes me
Taking away all the worries I feel
Making me realize
How lucky I am
To enjoy the beauty that sky has

Recycled Heart

Silence of my heart, arises
Fear of my mind, dries it
Fiery life, fires it
Cyclone style, tries it
End, it dies in it.

Heart of mine, cries in it
Shell of mine, tightens it
Living of shine
Demise it

Few words spoke with me
Sin, none committed it
Versatile life strife’s it
Ending the life in it

Mortal lives build it
Soul inside stills it
Awaken mind arises it
Silent smile seals it

Journey of fate ends it
Vicious circles, circles it
Karmas twisted in
Making spiritual exit in

Heart finally sinking
End of life, birth of cry
Silent smile, smiles it
Recycle of life starts it