Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Selfish I

Fingers roll over the keys
Searching for words to weave
A story for thee

The anguish in me
To better me
Kills the instinct in me

Heart desires to benignly flow
Mind necessitates the master to pro

Predilection for writing
Is annihilated by me

Caught in the web
Created by me to better me

My truth in me questions thee
Write this for whom???

A soul search or praises worth
A heartfelt or technical tell
A wall built or candid me

Who is this write, about me
Or the accolades it gives

To tell the truth

It’s all about me
And accolades it gives

Monday, April 19, 2010


Ascension has come
Life has sunk
In the poison drum
Swallowed in veins
And breathes in pain

Awakens the soul
To boar no more
Rise hath the even sky
Bend down
To hold me from drown
As level of my consciousness
Has a second round

Train me and test me
Believe me and trust me
I will never let you down

Steps of fear and shaking ground
I walk on with a hope in this round
As I know you will always hold me around
To test me in my watered ground

Faith of mine will not twitter
Hold it will its ground
As I know
I am your child
And the divine spark
Of your creative time

Made with a free will to live
And choice to exercise it
Choose I had evil
Now I choose the good

Hold me tight as I need to free
From the clutches of the evil
And desires of the world
Give a chance to live me through
On the road you no more seek

Failed I have miserably in some rounds
Faith in some has sailed me around
Grounding is yielding in trust
Questioning of the mind
Is still on its lust

Reading you now
Has given me more trust
Building on my conviction
To follow your trust
Miracles you do
Expands in me
The trust I need
To fulfill the ascension I see

Promise I thee, you see
I will walk the ground you
Which you build
Cross over the bridge
I will do as you see

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Naked Night

The ache in heart
Felt never so pleased
Embraced in love
Always felt no peace

Searched every night
The arms those were right
Failed every moment
To curb the covetousness of life

Soul crept to the side of bed
Body laid by its side
Hands that slide
Were cold as ice
Warmth that felt
Was a vindictive sigh

Emotions lay bared one more night
Feeling the wound as no surprise

Severed from life
For one more night
To savor the ardor for life

Tattered mind, turned the remorse
As the tears congealed it
Solidified by the fact
Legitimacy of life had
Perished that night

For one more time
The soul left her side