Saturday, February 13, 2010

Its's Been a While.....

It’s been a while
My songs had no lyrics to write

It’s been a while
Where life had not been so quiet

It’s been a while
The thought of you never pass my mind

It’s been a while
Where loneliness was sweeter than your smile

It’s been a while
I never rang the door bell

It’s been a while
With no numbers to dial

It’s been a while
I laughed with you not in my life

It’s been a while
I am singing the song that’s please my heart

It’s been a while
I have being who I am to be

Yes, who I am to be,
No more pretense, JUST me

It’s been a while
I have heard no sound of thee

It’s been a while
I live without you in me

It’s been a while
I am living a life full of me

It’s been a while
Now that the love flows through me
Not conquering me

It’s been a while……..